
Tanya's story

International Tax

Tanya, one of our recent new joiners in Tax, shares her experience of joining Forvis Mazars, why it's been good for her mental health, work-life balance and sense of belonging. She also details her experience of working cross-borders with clients and team members to deliver exceptional client services.

I joined Mazars six months ago, in the London Tax Advisory team. Prior to joining Mazars, I spent six years in the tax advisory practice of a Big 4 firm, followed by a year long in-house role. In my previous roles, there was a lack of diversity in the team, and whilst the work was interesting and challenging, it had become the norm to work long hours most days, with extra long hours during the busy season. I was keen to step away from this environment to preserve my mental health, but still be with a firm where I could thrive and develop professionally.   

Mazars has felt like a good fit from day one. Members of the Tax team come from a diverse range of social and cultural backgrounds, and I find it refreshing to work in an environment where you are free and encouraged to be yourself, and where your cultural background is not put into question.  

Every person I have reached out to in the Tax team, whether in or outside of London, has been very helpful and very quickly I felt I became part of the team. Representation matters, and I am glad to have female role models I work closely with, who provide support when needed.    

Since I joined, I have already worked on a range of different clients involving overseas Mazars and Praxity firms. I was pleased to see how engaged and collaborative our overseas colleagues are, and I look forward to developing those relationships and client opportunities further.  

I am excited to be part of a growing business in which I have a voice and an active role in shaping the team so we can keep delivering exceptional services to our clients.  

If you’re feeling ready to take the first steps toward your career with Mazars, why not check out our job vacancies here.